This Is What The Cookieless Election Feels Like
We've been writing about it for months in this newsletter. But suddenly in the last few weeks we've fielded a flurry of calls from people struggling with their digital ad delivery.
Our first question is this—"how are you matching your targets?" Many people don't realize it, but the answer is almost always still cookies.
Our second question is this—"what are your match rates?" If you don't know, you need to know now. Tell your digital vendor that "the gig is up—show us those match rates." But first, maybe get a bucket on hand for when you hear the answer.
Last cycle's tactics simply no longer work, because nationally over half the internet is cookieless. And in California, nearly 70% of people can no longer be reached with cookies.
As a refresher on why this is the case, all browsers except Chrome are now essentially cookieless, and U.S. browser share looks like this . . .