How AI Changes Your Options For Navigating Negative Press
When your clients or organization face negative press, the instinct is often to rush to respond. But responding directly usually only makes matters worse. In today's newsletter, we show you how AI gives you new options, when facing headlines that you'd like people to forget.
The Problem With Responding Directly
As much as it may feel good to rebut negative press point by point, reams of research have shown that denying an accusation usually only serves to reinforce it.
History has also proven this time and again in some famous examples.
Like when this guy said, "I am not a crook," people remembered . . . crook.
Or when this guy said . . .
. . . people just thought about . . .
The Better Strategy
AI opens up a better strategy. Natural Language Processing (NLP), a branch of AI that deals with how computers understand and work with human language, allows us to identify the people who consume specific written content and then retarget them with messages.
This power also extends to video and TV content through something called Automatic Content Recognition (ACR) data, which allows us to identify and retarget people who have watched specific content.
So instead of repeating the negative press with a direct response, the best strategy is often to use NLP and ACR data to identify the people who have been exposed to the content, and then give them a heavy dose of positive content about your organization. The idea is to wash away the bad taste of the bad press with a palate cleanser about the good things your organization does. You get the last word, without falling into the trap of reinforcing the accusation.
And in the rare case when you truly do have to respond directly, NLP and ACR data at least allow you to surgically respond only to the people who have seen the negative content. This prevents you from inadvertently spreading the message to people who never saw it in the first place.
In numerous ways covered in this newsletter, AI gives you precision-guided delivery instead of carpet bombing. There is no better example than how it transforms your ability to handle negative press.
Two Ways To Operationalize This Email
🔱 Consider the last time you faced negative press, and how your organization responded. Did you repeat the negative content in your response?
🔱 Prepare now for the inevitable press you won't like with positive video and other content about the contributions of your organization. Have this content ready to go when negative press strikes.
🔱 If you're enjoying this content, please consider forwarding this email to a colleague or friend. If you'd rather not forward it because you think the content makes you seem smarter compared to that annoying co-worker . . . "when you give someone more time and energy than they deserve, you make them your master."
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